The government ramped up childcare spending because of the pandemic and thousands of daycare facilities became dependent on that aid. Now $24 billion in federal childcare funding is going to expire on Saturday. The childcare industry is still short 65K workers and a divided government is unlikely to approve any additional spending on childcare. AND
that's a good thing! Why is it a good thing? Glad you asked! When women joined the workforce way back when in the prelude to the dark ages of feminism people thought that this would have a positive effect on that average household income, and depending on what
statistics you look at, it did. However, more people entering the workforce did two things... 1. It created a booming industry of childcare for very young children. This industry has become so costly that it now acts a as deterrent to having children in the
first place. 2. Women entering the workforce in massive numbers produced excessive consumerism which then led to outrageous inflation. if a one income household suddenly becomes a two-income household, then that household can buy more things. When that
household buys more things, producers realize that they can charge more money for those things. Once producers start charging more money, they are very unlikely to ever stop charging more money. So, despite all the moral ills that can come from the parents
not being the dominating force in a child's life that the childcare industry perpetuates, the economic woes are pretty bad too. Western culture just keeps shooting itself in the foot by trading morals for money. And the dark comedic part of it all is that we cannot even afford the things that are truly valuable with our "more money." (Check the statistic below on adults moving in with families because of housing prices.)