Let me get right down to it. This whole C3 thing started as a business, and it has morphed into a passion project with two objectives. The first objective is to produce a book that lays out the Christian case against the stock market in a way that is digestible, concise, and convincing. The second objective is to create a sharing platform for people
that takes the Christian Health Share Ministry concept and applies it to other aspects of life like auto, home, life, and disability needs.
The book has been written and is going to go through one more round of editing. However, we want to give this book away for free, and to do that we need help. We truly believe that the stock market has been a source of great evil in our world, and
we want this information to be easily obtainable. But as you could imagine, publishing and distributing a book can be very expensive. Our goal is to raise at least $10,000 so we can print and distribute a few thousand copies in hopes that it will snowball from there. If everyone who typically opens and reads this weekly email gave just $5 then our goal would be reached and then some!!
Our second objective is an ambitious one. Creating an all-encompassing sharing platform that is a non-profit entity is going to take time and capital. Getting the legality right, marketing the ministry, and putting the staff in place to manage it is going to be a monstrous task. If anyone out there thinks they can do it, I will gladly hand it off!!! This project will need hundreds of thousands of dollars, but our initial goal is $10,000. This money would be
used for the research and discovery phase (namely, getting some savvy lawyers together who can layout the path to getting this done).
If you feel called to contribute to either of these objectives than just click the button below. if you would like your contribution to go to one objective over the other, just send us an email indicating exactly that support@christcenteredcapital.com.