FIRST OFF - There will be no C3 newsletter for the next two weeks. I know, that greatly depresses you and you have no idea how life will go on without my amazingly profound rants. I am sure you will all survive...somehow. As
for me, my survival will be dependent on my wife and I's mental fortitude. We are voluntarily putting ourselves through a test of perseverance that will shake us to our core. Namely, road tripping for a combined 34ish hours with four children under the age of 6.
Where the real rant starts - About once a week I read a comment or get an email about
how I should stop bad mouthing the stock market if I cannot come up with a viable alternative. When I say that we should focus on raising big Christian families, building Christian communities and starting Christian businesses (buying land is nice too, if you can afford it) I usually get hit with the "That is too hard" or "That is impractical" or "Those aren't alternatives!" To all of this I are correct sir/madam.
All the
alternatives I suggest are hard, our society does make it impractical, and they are not really one to one alternatives. BUT, and it is a BIG BUT, they are things we should be doing, and they are things that will pay off in the future. Perhaps not our earthly future, but rather for future generations. besides if I did recommend a 1:1 alternative, then that alternative would probably be heinous just like the
stock market.
Also, I am trying to start the life/disability insurance equivalent to all those amazing health share ministries. It may never happen, but at least there is some effort going into creating an alternative that is kind of closer to a 1:1 replacement of the stock market.
Anyway, God Bless you all and see you in the New Year!