The over 35 hours in the car with my beautiful family consisting of 4 children 5 years and under in age went as well as could be expected. My wife proved that she is a Saint and has the patience of Job and I learned that my patience leaves a lot to be desired. The trip was a true joy overall in getting to reconnect
with friend and family and being the best man at a dear friend's wedding whose marriage I hope and pray will be a light in this world.
And, yes while in FL I took my family to Disney. I believe Disney to be completely demonic, but hey we got free tickets for the whole family, and free parking and my three-year-old had the time of her life meeting Sully from Monsters, Inc. I do
see the good in what Disney could be, namely a place for imagination and virtue to inspire youth, but I just can't ignore all the horrible stories and practices that have come to light over the last few years. I also, could not get over how many adults I saw going into the parks with no children. A huge percentage of the people attending the parks were doing so because they actually wanted to go themselves and they were not being forced by the dreams of their children. This completely baffles my
mind!! It is like paying to stand in line at a colorful DMV with really pricey food vendors. I simply do not get it. But a family friend who got us the tickets and has worked security in Orlando for a long time tried to explain it to me. He simply stated that for these adults, Disney is their end all be all. Sadness is how I reacted to this statement. Disney is the idol, the church, the worship service. Star Wars, Princess Movies, Secret Park Passageways is what gives meaning to the lives of
these Disney fanatics. I am sure many of them feel the same way about me and my worship of Jesus Christ. I will end this paragraph now, because I have not flushed out my thoughts on this further, but it was eye opening to me. I welcome anyone to respond to this who has thought about it a little bit more than I have.
Also, I know we all have hobbies and that is completely fine. What I
saw at Disney was not a hobby it was a lifestyle and an obsession.
Best story from my time away is this great DailyWire Article about true education reform. I plan on writing about this article in the very near future but I encourage everyone to check it out!!! The ‘Private-Practice’ Professor, A Path To True Education Reform | The Daily Wire