Some people may have missed this link last week as they got caught up in my rambling on about Disney. This story flew under the radar and was only picked up by a few conservative outlets like the Daily Wire, but this story on what true education reform could like is a really BIG DEAL,
or at least it could be.
The ‘Private-Practice’ Professor, A Path To True Education Reform | The Daily Wire
In brief, the story details how we should give accreditation to professors and not just universities so
that professors could offer college credits to students at an independent level. Colleges and universities basically receive their accreditation based on the credentials of its teaching staff so, bypassing the middleman of the institution and giving the accreditation to the individual professor could make college degrees a lot cheaper and more accessible to the masses. It could also allow parents of students and students themselves to be pickier about who they are taught by. To get a degree from
Harvard you must be taught by Harvard professors, but this proposed alternative could allow the student to pick a teacher that is more in line with their world view.
Now, there are some hurdles with this idea that would need to be overcome. For one, who is even giving out the accreditations? and can we trust them? Probably not, but this problem exists currently. Another problem that exists is teachers just charging for students
to attend a class and then once they get the money, they just sign off that the student completed everything, but they never actually teach the student. This again, is still true in the current system. Personally, I watched a few too many movies during my time in undergrad and graduate school while I should have been being taught something.
Either way, I was excited about the concept after reading the brief article. I strongly suggest
reading it and I would love to hear your thoughts!! My readers have some of the best insights!! (Though I may be bias...)