A new global gender divide is emerging (archive.is)
Some interesting research has come to light in the
article linked above. The basics of the research shows that Gen Zers and those under the age of 30 are being divided politically. The males are leaning conservative, and the females are staying and going liberal. The story above talks specifically about the US, the UK, Germany and South Korea, but these are global trends.
The temptation the article presents is to contribute these ideological differences to the #MeToo movement and
its explosion of feminist thought. That seems a bit too simplistic though I don't doubt the #MeToo movement played a significant role. For me I cannot help but think this divide is the result of spiritual atrophy.
Men and women are marrying less and raising families less. They are becoming more and more staked into their own cultures (Which the article points out). The culture of men in today's social media driven world is far
different from the culture of women. Men in general have a desire to be heroes, protectors, providers and even conquerors and the rhetoric from the right side of politics is attractive to young men. Women on the other hand, in general, are natural nurturers and are agreeable in character. The rhetoric from the left of open borders, MeToo, and anti-racism are attractive to the default character of women. Hence why white women were the ones who ultimately decided the election in 2020. Trump was
far too crass and Bien seems agreeable on camera.
Okay, great sociology lesson but that is not why your read this newsletter. You came for some sort of financial news, right? Well, this is as big of financial news as I can think of. If the sexes do not come together because we have been divided by social media and political ideology, then that means there is going to be a bunch of single people running around engaging hookup culture
and diving headfirst into consumeristic society. As I mentioned a while back, this is great for the financial health of a society in the short term, but in the long term it will be disastrous. We already cannot keep the replacement rate where it needs to be. That is babies being born compared to people dying. Future generations will struggle, because a workforce will be depleted.
Not to mention that if the sexes do not reconcile, the
rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide will only get worst. Want a recipe for mental health disasters, then get people to live solely for themselves and convince them that more things and more money will fill the void that loving relationships were meant to fill.
All and all this gender divide is nothing new, though it is nice to see it in a well laid out graph. The Devil is savvy when it comes to the destruction of human
kind. Create the divide, limit the creation of families, and attract with short term gain to distract from long-term disaster. The greatest economic strength a nation can have is an strong and intact family-oriented culture.