Time to be as nuanced as possible in 500 words or less...
If I was made King of the world, I would institute the following economic policies.
- Outlaw secondary
- Create strict laws against monopolies.
- Encourage, and possibly incentivize, local community-based economies.
- AND put the world back on the Gold Standard.
Sadly/Fortunately, the likelihood of me
becoming king of the world is nil. Our global economy has all the momentum and power the world can put behind it and the chances of it accepting a growth limiting standard of money is about as likely as me becoming the supreme ruler of the globe. But hey, you never know, maybe WWIII will revert us back to a position where the gold standard is possible. Either way, me becoming king or WWIII taking place are not things anyone should be praying for.
So where does the impossibility of Gold leave us? Well, the USD ($) is kind of working right now, but its collapse is inevitable. Maybe that collapse is something our great-great grandkids have to deal with, or maybe the collapse is right around the corner. Either way it would be virtuous of us to deal with it now. Does this mean that BTC is the answer? Probably not...
BTCs main problem is not that it is abstract, Fiat currency is also basically abstract. The core problem with BTC is what most perceive to be its dominant strength, namely decentralization, or the lack thereof. BTC is not limited because it is infinitely divisible and this nature of BTC allows it to become centralized in the hands of the powerful much like the USD. In fact, it is already highly centralized, and once people have control, they
will not relinquish it. The big difference is do we want Governments to have the control, or do we want corporations and powerful individuals to have control? I am open to be persuaded by either side of this debate but make no mistake that there are glaring problems with both.
Okay, so Gold is out, BTC and Fiat currencies are problematic...What are we to do? The answer is simple, Become
Saints!! I know it is not the complex economic solution that everyone wants, but it is the only way forward in a just way. No one has the power to fight the massive machine by themselves but together we can create immense change. The reason I harp on the stock market so much as opposed to the banking system as a whole is because the market gives us an opportunity to actually detangle ourselves. At least an easier opportunity. Much easier to divest then it is to get out of a mortgage and stop
using fiat currency.
Think of the limiting power we could put on the global finance industry if the Body of Christ refused to use one of its key systems. The change would be radical and sanctifying and paint a path toward a Christian future.
Isn't it both annoying and beautiful that the answer is
always sainthood?!