As of late I have heard a lot about the idea of transhumanism and health influencers seem to be popping up like weeds. We as a society seem to be very concerned with our health, and probably for good reason we are a very unhealthy country, both physically and spiritually. Go on YouTube right now, but don't really go, and you will see literally millions of health
gurus. Carnivore diet enthusiasts, vegan diet enthusiasts, weightlifting advice channels, yoga channels and a thousand other variations of the "health and fitness influencer."
Now, I have made my feelings well known about influencers. Some are genuinely good, and the vast majority are garbage. And yes, I am aware that I technically fall into the influencer category (I just threw up a little)
but that is partially why I no longer do YouTube videos and actually make my "followers" read.
Okay, back to health and transhumanism. There is a lot of buzz about Transhumanism nowadays thanks to a bunch of different people and outlets but one such influencer is this guy named Bryan Johnson who had a Netflix documentary made about his attempt to live forever, or at least a really long time.
Mr. Johnson has spent millions on his body trying to reverse the aging process or at least slow it down to a standstill. I refused to do a lot of research on Mr. Johnson, what little I found was all I could stomach, but he seems to embody the transhumanist approach. I firmly believe that Mr. Johnson is materialism and health influencing taken to their logical conclusion which will inevitably end with no material and no health. Let me explain in brief...
We think the natural world is all we have. We therefore think that this reality is our only home. That leads us to fear death in unhealthy ways and makes us want to maximize pleasure, which in turn creates the vanity culture of health influencing (of course, I am being very simplistic and linear here to stress a point). One day we will live forever by just uploading our "consciousness" to a computer according to the honest
transhumanist. If you just adopt this diet or morning health routine, then all your problems will go away according to the health influencer. The problem of course is we are creatures made up of both Soul and Body and that uploaded consciousness is really just a pic of your brain, it is not you the child of God and no diet can save your soul.
Transhumanists (AKA the extreme health influencers)
will eventually and unwittingly embark on a mass genocide of the human race whilst attempting to enable human beings to live forever. They will say "hey let us upload you on the server, and/or give you bionic limbs then you can live forever with great power and capability." And those of us without any sense will say "Sure that sounds great!" We will allow someone or something to take a pic of our brain and we will be murdered and discarded. That is what I believe the inevitable end of
materialism/transhumanism (AKA extreme health influencing) will be if course corrections are not made.
Now, not all is bad with some extreme health enthusiasm. I won't say not all is bad with transhumanists because I have yet to find a definition of the term that is not deeply troubling. My thought here is that it would be great to develop a new medication that helps cure cancer or heal a
crippled arm or even give a paraplegic the ability to move functionally. But these do not seem to be the end goals of the transhumanist movement. We should all be on guard of this movement that is prized to be a trillion-dollar industry and beyond.
Okay, that was a lot of rambling for this week. Hopefully you got the gist of what I was trying to communicate but if
not here is it summarized in nice little bullet points.
- Transhumanism is a response to materialism which will cost us ALL THE MONEY and eventually make the Human race go extinct.
- Transhumanism has power behind it because the health influencer culture has primed us for it.
- We should be on guard when transhumanism is brought up,
and we should make healthy decisions but avoid becoming obsessed with physical health.
God Bless and Christus Rex!