The numbers above paint a picture that we all are painfully aware of, namely declining church attendance and thus faith in America. Though there has been an uptick in conversions since the end of the pandemic, due to multiple factors, the fact remains that adult church attendance is
still at dismally low numbers. However, I would like to call attention to a bright spot that should prompt us to action. The median savings amount for the US adult is $8,000. Now as a refresher for those not currently in middle school arithmetic, median does not mean average, it means the number that appears most often in the middle of a sequence or category of numbers. the average amount in savings for an adult in the US is actually much higher, roughly $62K. I chose to use the median instead
of the average for this week's rant because I think it helps paint a bright picture while using some bleak colors.
You see, the median savings number for the us Adult gives us one of the lowest possible numbers, but even if we take that lowest possible number and apply it to the US adults actually attending a weekly church service, we get a pile of cash that is almost half a trillion dollars.
Sure, we may be saving that money for a rainy day, but even if we took half of it ($4K per us adult) we would still have a $250 billion slush fund. That slush fund could be used to rebuild church congregations through some truly great evangelization outreach.
My points is this...We have the means to combat secularism and revitalize Christianity in our country through community based and meaningful
evangelization efforts. the only thing stopping is us is our obsession with financial security. It is not the fault of TikTok, bad Politian's, drug cartels, the porn industry, Hollywood, or even Satan himself. It is our fault! We have the means, we just fail to act because of fear.
Remember, in my numbers above I used the worst available. In reality the numbers are much larger. yes, I know,
the problem will take time, innovation, strategy, and hard work in addition to capital. But to be frank, all those sound like excuses to not get started.
Through Him all things are possible, and we have the means, we just need to give the means to Him and let him do his job as Savior and God.