The Real Gender Gap & a video from Davos
Published: Wed, 01/31/24
Hello C3 Family! Weekly Rant - The Gender Gap will be a Financial Disaster A new global gender divide is emerging ( Some interesting…
A mailing list to regularly send out updates about Christ Centered Capital
Published: Wed, 01/31/24
Hello C3 Family! Weekly Rant - The Gender Gap will be a Financial Disaster A new global gender divide is emerging ( Some interesting…
Published: Wed, 01/24/24
Hello C3 Family! Weekly Rant - College Education Reform? Some people may have missed this link last week as they got caught up in my rambling on about…
Published: Wed, 01/24/24
Hello C3 Family! Weekly Rant - College Education Reform? Some people may have missed this link last week as they got caught up in my rambling on about…
Published: Thu, 01/18/24
Hello C3 Family! Weekly Rant - Vacation, Disney, The ER, & Education Reform... The over 35 hours in the car with my beautiful family consisting of 4…
Published: Wed, 12/27/23
Hello C3 Family! Weekly Rant - I know my alternatives suck(Not really, they are great) FIRST OFF - There will be no C3 newsletter for the ne t two…
Published: Wed, 12/20/23
Hello C3 Family! Weekly Rant Obesogenic - Tending to cause obesity. What do you think causes obesity? Poor food choices? Binge Eating? Lack of e…
Published: Wed, 12/13/23
Hello C3 Family! Weekly Rant - Yeah, I am asking for Money! I promise not to spend it on Chic-fil-A Let me get right down to it. This whole C3 thing…
Published: Wed, 12/06/23
Hello C3 Family! Weekly Rant - Suicide on the rise.The below rant is a bit rough, given the topic. So, I thought I would soften the blow and share…
Published: Wed, 11/29/23
Hello C3 Family! Weekly RantWhy be obsessed with saving when our Lord warns us against it?! Every Week I comb through all the top financial sites on…
Published: Wed, 11/22/23
Hello C3 Family! Weekly RantWhat do we need? is what we need impossible? The big story this past week has been the ousting of Sam Altman from OpenAI.